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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Guadalupe Elementary School (My School)

Ispent most of my Childhood days in Guadalupe Elementary School. This public school is as old as the acacia trees that shade the parents waiting for their kids outside. My dad and his parents went to this school. And not to mention the rest of our clan who remain clustered until this very day. My younger cousins and other relatives still go to this school. Guadalupe Elementary School is HOME, as far as I’m concerned. It is the very institution which formed and cemented my ideals, principles and drives in life. It is where I first scraped my knees, sh*t in my pants, got praised, got dissed. The school was very HUGE then. Now, I don’t think it is. People say that when you’re a small kid, anything taller than ten feet is automatically HUGE. When I went back to the school last week to attend Osman’s meeting, every bit of memory came flooding back. Was I a good student then? Did I make a lot of friends? How did I get this huge scar on my knees? And as I went in, I remember spending all the money I have on very silly things sold outside the school – ‘telescope shows’, spiders, maya birds, goldfish, tops, fruit and vegetable seeds, yoyos and not to forget a wide range of chichiryas like chicharon, fishballs, squidballs, ‘dirty icecream’, puto, budbud, and the oh-so-refreshing choco scramble. It’s nice to look back at such petty but very important things – those very short shorts and knee-high socks, that Rizal-cut, those nasty black stains on my pre-grade 1 teeth and most of all, the games that I lost and won. his is the ‘main building of Guadalupe Elementary School. During my time, this building housed the TOP classes of each level, the offices of the Guidance Councilor, the Principal and the Supervisor and the Library. Of course, no public school is without its own Joe. I remember hiding under the statue’s shade as I watched a classmate stand under the heat of the sun for a violation which irked a school teacher. Hahaha. y classmates and I spent most of our time playing here. When the energy level was quite low, we sat down and guessed the brand of vehicles passing outside. The winner got to hit the other’s head. LOL

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Anda Bohol ( Mom Native Town)

 Municipality of Anda was formerly known as Quinale and was a barrio of the municipality of Guindulman from the early part of its civilization up to the later decade of the 19th century. At the onset, Quinale was basically uninhabited with plenty of uncultivated lands and its shores were swampy with lots of mangroves and hardwood trees. Through the years the population of Quinale grew and the people mutually agreed for independence from Guindulman. On July 8, 1856 they petitioned for independence and the petition was endorsed by the Assessor General of the Government to the Governor General of the Philippines on September 3, 1856. Yet their petition was denied for the reason that they could not meet the required number of 500 tributes or taxpayers. Undaunted, they again petitioned to become an independent town on December 30, 1872. The petition was addressed to the Provincial Governor of Bohol and endorsed by him to the “Consejo de Administracion de Filipinas (Council for Administration of the Philippines), the Father Provincial of the Recollects and the Archbishop of Manila. he town has progressed at that time. Public buildings and their church were improved and roads created leading to Guindulman. But in spite of these developments, their petition was again denied on the grounds that their total taxpayers reached only 400. Still persistent, Quinale again filed their petition on March 27, 1874 and subsequently denied due to the same reason of lack of taxpayers. A few months later, on September 23, 1874, the people again made another petition but now using a different approach and reasoning. Yes they were denied for the same reasons yet they pointed out that births in the town of Quinale far exceeded the number of deaths but the people migrate to other places because of lack of supervision and opportunities. To answer this need, the officials want their barrio to be made into a town to have proper supervision and leadership. With these, the people will not leave and the number of taxpayers would surely reach 500. Provincial Politico-Military Governor Don Joaquin Bengoechea, was amenable to their line of reasoning and suggested that the people make a petition for separation of Quenale in the civil aspect only since the requirement of 500 taxpayers was for becoming a separate parish. So the September 23, 1874 petitioned for becoming a town in the civil aspect only. More than six months passed before the Consejo de Administration finally recommended that Quinale be separated in its civil aspect only. Delay was due to the religious authorities’ reluctance to approve it. Finally on March 12, 1875, the Governor General Don Jose de Malcampoy y Monje issued the decree creating the new town of Anda and it being separated from the town of Guindulman in the civil aspect only in consonance with the desire of the religious authorities. Confirmed by the Archbishop of Manila, the order of the separation was published on April 1, 1875. With the approval, the local officials of the new town of Anda and the mother town of Guindulman gathered to discuss and determine the boundaries of the two towns on May 3, 1875. With the decree, the people were still given the opportunity to till their lands wherever they may be located, in Anda or Guindulman. Subsequent years saw Anda’s growth in terms of population. People did not migrate anymore and eventually the number of taxpayers increased until they qualified to be a separate town in the religious aspect. On July 18, 1885, Anda became an independent parish from Guindulman and become a Diocesan Parish on March 19, 1885 and dedicated to the Santo Niño or the Holy Child. Royal approval was given on January 6, 1885 and finally implemented on July 18, 1885 with Fr. Julian Cisnero as the 1st Parish Priest. The line of Spanish priests serving the parish of Anda was not broken from 1885 up to 1937, even after the end of the Spanish Regime and thru the American era. At the end of the Spanish regime, many Spanish priests fled but not Fr. Hilario Lopez. Even after the American era, priests from the Order of the Augustinian Recollect continued to serve the people until 1937. The last Spanish priest was Fr. Luis Llorente The decree on the separation of Quinale from Guindulman did not explain why the name “Anda” was chosen but the accepted explanation was that the name refers to Governor General Simon de Anda y Salazar who was Governor General of the Philippines from 1769-1770. Simon de Anda was a member of the Royal Audiencia in the Philippines who did not surrender to the British in 1762. The municipality of Anda is located at the eastern tip of Bohol, about 99.3 kilometers from Tagbilaran City of Bohol province. It is bounded in the north by the municipality of Candijay; in the south by the Mindanao Sea; east by the municipality of Mabini; and in the west by the Municipality of Guindulman. It is considered as a 5th class municipality and covers an area of 6,286.1495 hectares or 62.86 square kilometers which is politically subdivided into 16 barangays, namely: Almaria, Bacong, Badiang, Buenasuerte, Candabong, Casica, Katipunan, Linawan, Lundag, Poblacion, Santa Cruz, Suba, Talisay, Tanod, Tawid, and Virgen. Population is 17,863 people in 3,072 households. Barangay Almaria occupies an area of 5.96 square kilometers; Bacong 4, Badiang 5.38, Buenasuerte 4.84, Candabong 8.09, Casica 1.29, Katipunan 4.62, Linawan 3.42, Lundag 8.83, Poblacion 0.51, Sta. Cruz 2.12, Suba .95, Talisay 2.19, Tanod 5.01, Tawid 1.47 and Virgen 4.36 square kilometers. Farming is the major means of livelihood although the people also engage in other industries such as fishing, furniture making, fish net making, rope making, carpentry, poultry, hog raising and catching bangus fries. The principal products are rice, corn, coconuts, root crops, chicken, pigs and lumber which was taken from the forest. Majority of the people of Anda lives at the barrios and outskirts of the town proper. They are deeply religious and main religious activities revolve around the Anda Parish Church which belongs to the Diocese of Talibon. Their Patron Saint is the Santo Niño whose feast day is movable but celebrated in the month of January. The local government takes care of the social welfare services in the municipality under the Department of Social Welfare & Development. Family Life and Education, Family Planning Counseling, Nutrition and Child Health, Self-employment Assistance and Relief Rehabilitation are some of the services being offered. The per capital income of an average family in the planning area is from P 3,000 to P5,000 monthly derived from farm products. With an average of six (6) members each, most of the families are extended families. The main health center has one (1) physician, a nurse, a sanitary inspector, six (6) midwives and a dentist who visits periodically. Rural health midwives are also available and attends to the emergency health needs of each barangay. The Health Center focuses on family planning, nutrition and medical facilities of the municipality. The town of Anda has eight (8) primary schools, eight (8) Elementary Schools, three (3) public barangay high schools and one (1) private high school. It has a total of eighty four (84) teachers serving these schools with a ration of 1:50.

Bohol (Mom HomeTown)

Although people have been living on Bohol long before Magellan reached the islands that are now the Philippines, our written records start here, and about the events before that time, little is known, and has to be carefully reconstructed from oral traditions and archaeological evidence. It is said that around 1200, the Lutaos arrived from northern Mindanao. They build a settlement on stilts in the strait between mainland Bohol and the island of Panglao. This town later became a prospering local center of power, also known as the the "Kingdom of Dapitan." It lasted until it was abandoned in 1563, out of fear for raids by the Portuguese and their allies from Ternate. It will be seen below how this event helped the Spanish to get a foothold in the Philippines. The Arrival of the Spanish In 1521, Ferdinand Magellan and his crew were the first Europeans to reach the Philippines coming from the East. When they arrived they weren't really welcome: Magellan himself was killed on Mactan Island near Cebu, by the hand of a local chieftain or "Datu", Lapu Lapu. Following Magellan's route, the Loaisa Expedition left La Caruña in Spain on 24 July 1525. This expedition also reached the Philippines, but on the first of June, 1526, a hurricane separated the ships. One of the ships, the Santa Maria del Parral, stranded on on the shore of North-East Mindanao. The survivors were captured and sold into slavery. One of the crew members, Sebastian de Puerto (or de Puerta), came in the hands of the Boholano chief Sikatuna. This is the first contact on record between a Spaniard and a Boholano. More than forty years after Magellan's demise, in 1564, Spain sent out four expeditions to establish colonies in the Far East, and to pick up a share of the lucrative spice trade under control of the Portuguese. These expeditions failed, but in the next year, Miguel Lopez de Legazpi was more successful. Sailing westwards from Mexico with four ships and almost four hundred men, he reached the Philippines in the beginning of 1565, and established a Spanish settlement. This wasn't an easy achievement. Just like Magellan before him, Legazpi met with hostile native warriors, who didn't like the idea of foreigners invading their islands. His attempt to land on the island of Cebu was thwarted, and he decided to look for a friendlier place. He lifted his anchor and headed south in the direction of Mindanao. A change of wind, however, forced his fleet back to north in the direction of Bohol. With the help of a Mohammedan Malay pilot from a captured trading ship from Borneo, he learned that the Filipinos were involved in trade with the Moluccas, Borneo, Java, Malacca, and even far away places such as India and China. The Blood Compact of Legazpi and Sikatuna Also at Bohol, Legazpi was given a hostile welcome. From his Malay pilot, he learned that this hostility was due to marauding expeditions of the Portuguese. Coming from the Moluccas, the Portuguese raiders traversed the Visayan seas, and just a few years before, in 1563, had plundered Bohol and killed or enslaved about one thousand of its inhabitants. Of course, the Boholano's easily mistook the Spaniards for Portuguese. Again with the help of his pilot, Legazpi explained two chiefs of Bohol, Datu Sikatuna of Bool and Datu Sigala of Loboc that they were not Portuguese, and had come in peace, and not to plunder or kill. This convinced the Kings to end their hostility and enter pact of friendship. On 16 March 1565 (or 25 March, records are confused due to the Gregorian calendar reform in 1584), Legazpi and Sikatuna performed the now famous blood compact, probably not far from the modern town of Loay. This event is still celebrated in Bohol every year in June with the Sandugo ("One Blood") festival. The same ceremony was repeated three days later with Sigala. The Conquest of Cebu After he assured himself of the aid of Sikatuna and Sigala, Legazpi decided to try to establish a permanent Spanish settlement on Cebu. With the native kings as guides, he lifted his anchor and left Bohol on Easter Sunday, and arrived at Cebu on 27 April 1565. On the shore of Cebu, the local king Tupas already expected them. He had grouped his warriors in full battle array, ready to resist Legazpi and his invaders. In an attempt to negotiate a resolution of the impasse, a priest, father Urdaneta, went ashore, but he wasn't able to convince Tupas. Legazpi then initiated an attack. While the ship's artillery battered the coast, Spanish soldiers landed and attacked the Cebuano warriors. With their superior weapons the Spanish won a victory, and forced the troops of king Tupas to retreat to the hills. After his defeat, king Tupas was more inclined to enter into peace negotiations. With the help of Cid Hamal, a Mohammedan Malay who stayed in Cebu at that time, a peace treaty was drawn up on the fourth of June 1565. In this treaty, king Tupas recognized the Spanish king as sovereign and agreed to pay a tribute, for which, in return, Legazpi promised to protect him against his enemies and to allow trade between the Filipinos and Spaniards. Also, Legazpi was granted a strategic site on Cebu, where he founded the first permanent Spanish settlement in the Philippines. Establishment of Catholicism In the footsteps of the Spanish explorers came the missionaries. About thirty years after the Spanish established themselves on Cebu, on 17 November 1596, two Jesuit priests, Father Juan de Torres and Gabriel Sanchez, arrived in Baclayon, Bohol. It is said that the mother of the encomendero of Bohol, Doña Catalina de Bolaños invited them. They established their headquarters in Baclayon, and quickly started to further spread the Catholic faith on the island. Only a few years after the Jesuits' arrival, on 26 October 1600, Baclayon was raided by some 300 Maguindanao Moros commanded by Datu Sali and Datu Sirongan. In response, the Jesuits moved their headquarters to the inland town of Loboc, at a save distance from the coast. Since then, until the departure of the Jesuits from the Philippines in 1768, Loboc has been the residence of the local Jesuit superior. Here they also founded the first parish on the island in 1602, followed in 1604 by a school, the Seminario Colegio de Indios, a training school for the children of the local ruling class. The Revolt of Tamblot The new religion was not easily accepted by all. In the year 1621, Tamblot, a native priest or babaylan called upon the people to return to the faith of their forefathers, and to liberate themselves from the Spanish oppression. Around two thousand Boholanos joined him, and started a revolt when most of the Jesuit fathers were absent, celebrating the feat of the beautification of St. Xavier in Cebu. When the news of the uprising reached Cebu, the alcalde-mayor Don Juan de Alcarazo, rushed an expedition to Bohol to suppress it. on New Year's Day, 1622, an army of 50 Spaniards and over one thousand Filipinos started their campaign against the rebels. In the following battle, fought out in a torrential rain at Malabago, Cortes, Bohol, the mayor was wounded and the Spanish had to retreat. Six months later, in a second attempt, the rebels where victorious again, but then some Spanish priests from Loboc managed to enter the camp of Tamblot and assassinate him. Then, Without their leader, the insurgents where easily defeated, and Spanish power was restored. After these events, the Spanish more firmly established their power on Bohol. Using the labor of local workers, a number of magnificent stone churches were built, including the Church of Baclayon, which is one of the oldest stone churches in the Philippines, and was build, in its current shape in 1724, and the church of Loboc with its separate bell-tower. By 1733, the Jesuits had established six settlements or reducciones: Loboc, Baclayon, Jagna, Talibon, Inabanga and Maribojoc. In these settlements, the people were forced to live together, so that it was easier to Christianize them, as well as to collect taxes. The Rebellion of Dagohoy The oppressive methods of the Jesuits once more led to a serious insurrection against Spain. In the year 1744, Francisco Sendrijas alias Dagohoy started a revolt that was to last more than eighty nine years. The cause of this was an incident, in which the brother of Dagohoy was killed. Father Gaspar Morales, the Jesuit curate of Inabanga ordered a this brother, who was a constable, to capture a man who had left the Christian religion. The constable pursued the fugitive, but then was killed by him in a duel. However, when his body was brought back to town, the Jesuit refused the constable a Christian burial. Infuriated at the priest, Francisco Dagohoy organised the people in an armed rebellion. The uprising started on 24 January 1744 with the killing of the Italian Jesuit curate of Jagna, Father Guiseppe Lamberti. Not long after that, Dagohoy also killed Father Morales, and the rebellion swept over the entire island. In vain, the Bishop of Cebu, Miguel Lino de Espeleta, attempted to calm down the situation, and restore Spanish rule. Dagohoy defeated the troops of Spanish and Filipino forces sent to subdue him. He established a free government in the mountains, and with his followers, was able to control much of the island. Even after Dagohoy's death, his rebellion continued, while the Spanish were only able to maintain their power in some settlements along southern coast. In the span of 89 years, no less than twenty Spanish governors-generals, from Gasper de la Torre (1739-45) to Juan Antonio Martinez (1822-25), failed to suppress the uprising. In 1825, general Mariano Ricafort (1825-30), became governor-general of the Philippines. He send alcade-mayor Jose Lazaro Cairo to re-establish Spanish power in Bohol. With an army of 2,200 Spanish-Filipino men, he invaded Bohol on May 7, 1827. However, it took more than a year of fierce fighting, and another Spanish expedition under Capitain Manuel Sanz, who landed on Bohol in April 1828, before the patriots were defeated. He captured last remnants of Francisco Dagohoy's rebel forces from their hideout in the Cave of Caylagon. So, finally, by August 31, 1829, the rebellion was ceased. Most of the followers of Dagohoy were pardoned and resettled in new villages in the lowlands. These villages have now become the towns of Batuanan, Cabulao, Catigbian, and Vilar. In the mean time, in 1768, the Jesuits had been expelled from the country, and their missions taken over by Augustinian Recollects headed by their former Provincial, Fray Pedro de Santa Barbara. Under their leadership, by 1800, the towns of Tagbilaran, Dimiao, Guindulman, Panglao and Loon had been founded. The Last Years of Spanish Rule After the end of the Dagohoy rebellion, a period of relative peace starts in Bohol. During most of the Spanish era, Bohol was a part of the residencia of Cebu, but on 22 July 1854, it was made, together with the island of Siquijor, into a separate politico-military province. In 1879, when a census was held, Bohol had 34 municipalities and a total population of 253,103 souls. (Less than one fifth of the population today!) Spanish rule came to an end in April 1899. In that year, after winning the American-Spanish war, the U.S. 'bought' the entire Philippines for twenty million dollars. The Spanish left the island, and Bohol became a "Gobierno de Canton," run by important Boholanos as part of the independent republic proclaimed by Emilio Aquinaldo. The American Era After almost one year, on 17 march 1900, American troops landed in Tagbilaran. Lead by Major Henry Hale of the 44th infantry Battalion, they came to take over control from the followers of Aquinaldo. The Boholanos started an organized resistance against the new invaders. On 3 September 1900, under the leadership of Col. Pedro Samson, a bloody struggle started, which lasted for several months. In their attempt to force the Boholanos to submission, the American forces burned to the ground 20 of Bohol's 35 towns, killed hundreds of people, and indiscriminately slaughtered livestock. Finally, on 23 December 1900, the resistance leaders surrendered to the Americans. A peace treaty was signed in the convent of Dimiao, and peace was restored. Unfortunately, a cholera epidemic following the turmoil of the war killed hundreds of Boholanos in the following year. With the peace restored, the American government started to reorganize and reform much of the country. Roads were constructed and schools established, and the living conditions started to improve somewhat. It was also during this period, on 17 March 1917, that Bohol was created a separate province. World War II The American Era, effectively ended with the Second World War. On 17 May 1942, Japanese forces landed in Tagbilaran. Three very difficult years where to follow. Again, the Boholanos stood up to defend their freedom. The resistance movement, which consisted of disbanded soldiers and civilians, organized a guerilla style war against the Japanese oppression. At first, their headquarters, 'Behind the Clouds' was hidden in the deep and inaccessible ravines near Catigbian, and later this was moved to Carmen, while the original encampment remained a prisoners' camp. The American forces returned on Bohol on April 11, 1945. This time, they were welcomed as liberators, and only to stay for a relative short time, as on the 4th of July, 1946, Bohol became a part of the independent Republic of the Philippines. After Independence After independence, a long period of relative peace and slow development started. Freedom loving and independent, Boholanos don't like to be ruled by others, and, unlike on many other islands in the Philippines, there are few large landowners or haciendas on Bohol. Many Boholano families were and still are subsistence farmers, who till their own small plots of land for their own food, and grow coconut trees for copra (dried coconut flesh), to earn money for their other needs. Although Bohol is still mainly an agricultural province, the capital Tagbilaran was elevated to a city on the first of July 1966, and today has a population of about 70.000 people. The entire province is now (according to the 2000 census) home to about 1.3 million people. Like in many provinces in the Philippines, no longer all people can earn their livelihood in agriculture, and many have sought a better future outside Bohol. Many have found work in the large banana and other plantations on Mindanao, or in the industry or in all types of service jobs in the big cities, especially Cebu and Manila. Boholanos are also well known as sailors. When on board a ship, both within the Philippines, or internationally, you have a big change that some of the crew members originally come from Bohol. Finally, a large number of Boholano's have moved abroad, to live and work in the Middle East, the United States, and Europe. Only in recent years, the touristic potential of the island has been realized, and work has started to develop resorts and hotels to make Bohol's magnificent natural environment accessible for tourists.

Cordova Cebu ( Relatives Home)

Córdova is a municipality located in Mactan Island, an island part of Cebu in the Philippines.
Córdova is administratively subdivided into 13 barangay or barrio
  • Alegría
  • Bangbang
  • Buagsong
  • Catarmán
  • Dapitan
  • Cogon
  • Day-as
  • Gabi
  • Gilutongan (composed of Gilutongan and Nalusuan Islands)[1]
  • Ibabao
  • Pilipog
  • Población
  • San Miguel
 The town of Córdova was named after Córdoba a province in Spain. Córdova became a municipality in
 1864. From 1913 up to the present, a town of 15 mayors governed the district.LS,
Córdova is located at the southern region of Mactan Island. It is a quiet and secluded area.

Mactan Bridge Cebu Link both Cities

Mactan-Mandaue Bridge or popularly called The First Mactan-Mandaue Bridge is the first of two bridges spanning across the Mactan Channel and connecting the islands of Cebu and Mactan. ]Marcelo Fernan Bridge stimulated economic growth in Mactan. Reliving Lapu-Lapu’s bottleneck situation in the two-laned old Mactan Bridge, it served as a vital part in Cebu’s economy. The 846-meter long and 9-meter wide box truss bridge was constructed during the term of the late President Ferdinand Marcos. The construction began in 1970, a year after the declaration of Mandaue as a chartered city[1]. It was inaugurated in July 4, 1971.[2] Finished in 1972 at a cost of 65 million pesos.[3] The bridge was designed and created wholly by Filipino engineers.[1]

University of Cebu Main Sanciangko Street Cebu City University i came from

it was a beginning marked by simplicity. By modesty. A period stamped with nothing but desire and hope: the desire to provide ordinary young men and women with good but not a costly education and the hope that doing so may improve the quality of their lives. May mean the realization of their dreams. This was the Cebu College of Commerce: with an opening enrolment of 239 in the first semester, 232 in the second semester, and, 69 in the summer. This was the CCC of old: offering a Bachelor of Science in Commerce and an Associate in Secretarial Science in its initial year. t was a beginning marked by simplicity. By modesty. A period stamped with nothing but desire and hope: the desire to provide ordinary young men and women with good but not a costly education and the hope that doing so may improve the quality of their lives. May mean the realization of their dreams. This was the Cebu College of Commerce: with an opening enrolment of 239 in the first semester, 232 in the second semester, and, 69 in the summer. This was the CCC of old: offering a Bachelor of Science in Commerce and an Associate in Secretarial Science in its initial year. Spanning, indeed, 8 full school years from School Year 1964-65 up to School Year 1971-72, CCC has began to make itself felt in the City of Cebu, in Region VII, and in the lives of many poor families whose fortunes have changed by the CCC education their children received. The growth was simply inspiring: from an initial offering of Commerce and Secretarial, CCC began to offer diplomas in Education, Liberal Arts, Customs Administration, Criminology, Nautical; and, from an initial 239 population, CCC reached the 4, 000 mark on its 8th year. t was time then to face greater challenges. It was a moment then for CCC to reinvent itself and give itself a new name. Beginning School Year 1972-73, CCC has now called itself the Cebu Central Colleges. And, for a good 20 years, it did so. Enrolment rose. Initially, it was 5097. Then, it dipped to a low 5023, recovered to 6517 and on its final year as CCC, to a phenomenal 16,998. And the list of curricular programs grew long: Nursing, Midwifery, Health Aide; Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering; Mechanical, Electrical and Civil Engineering; Hotel and Restaurant Management; information and Computer Science; Computer Engineering; and, even a Graduate School. As well as a Marine Officers Training Course. UC, in 1983, was the first in Cebu and in the entire Region VII to offer a course offering on Computer Science after Atty. Augusto W. Go returned from his trip to the United States. Then, at the initiative of Dr. Erlinda Barcelo, the revered and, the same time, feared word "Accreditation" took on a deeper meaning and pointed out a new direction. Of what was then the beginning of a series of efforts in improving the quality of education at CCC, PACU-COA Accreditors visited the school on a Preliminary Visit for a Level 1 status of BSMT and AME from October 13 to 14, 1986. Her efforts did not go in vain: on February, 1988, PACU-COA announced its recognition of the level 1 status of BSMT and AME. And years after this, PACU-COA would continue doing so for various other course offerings of the Cebu Central Colleges. The growth, however, at CCC was not only confined to numbers and courses. There too was physical growth. In 1991, the BSMT Campus in Alumnos, Mambaling was inaugurated, the constitution of the Science and Technology Building at the South Expressway commenced and the New Cebu Coliseum acquired. With forty-two (42) years of quality education, the University of Cebu (UC) has been awarded a Deregulated status by the Commision on Higher Education (CHED), while recognized by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commision on Accreditation (PACUCOA) as a learning institution with the most accredited programs. Currently, UC is cultivating more than 42,000 promising young minds while producing board topnotchers through its four campuses that are conveniently situated within different parts of Cebu

Basilica Minor del Santo Niño Cebu City

he Basilica Minor del Santo Niño houses the Image of the Holy Child Jesus, recognised by the Vatican as the cradle of Christianity in Asia. Miraculous Image The image of the Santo Niño, which is kept in the parish convent, is considered the oldest religious relic in the Philippines . This was the image that Magellan gave to Queen Juana as a gift during the baptism of King Humabon and his wife Queen Juana on April 14, 1521... The convent of the Sto. Niño de Cebu was founded by Fr. Andres de Urdaneta on April 28, 1565 , the very day the Legazpi-Urdaneta expedition arrived in the island. On May 8 of the same year, when Legaspi and his men planned the urbanization of the city, they allotted a "place for the church and the convent of San Agustin, "where the Santo Niño image had been found." In 1599, the convent was made a house of studies of grammar, headed by the Visayan linguist, Fr. Alonso de Mentrida. It also served as a rest house for missionaries working in the province and as a retirement home for the aged and the sick, usually attended to by a lay brother. The church has always been the Sanctuary of the Sto. Niño, under the custody of the Augustinians. The number of priests assigned to the church varied from three to five aside from one or two lay brothers.

Colon Street Cebu City

Colon Street was built by the conquering kastilas lead by Miguel Lopez de Legaspi. Considered the oldest street in the entire country, Colon Street was built in 1565 – more than 40 years after Magellan’s defeat in Mactan. Colon Street is a very important part of Cebuano life, culture, and history. It is also an important force which pushed our small but thriving country towards progress and the modern age. The street has witnessed not only Cebu’s victories and defeats but also the country’s struggles in its quest for freedom, recognition, and acceptance. At present, people have succeeded in trivializing the value of Colon Street by associating it with fear and annoyance. When people talk of Colon, the words ’pickpocket,’ ‘criminal,’ and ‘beware’ almost always come up. In fact, some people even believe that Colon has become synonymous to its dirty sidestreets and dilapidated buildings. Luckily, the city government has great big plans for downtown Cebu, specifically Colon Street. A massive rehabilitation program will soon be commenced (hopefully very very soon) to reestablish and revitalize the priceless treasure that only the island of Cebu can ever claim. Colon Street is a crowded street in downtown Cebu City that is often called the oldest street in the Philippines. It is named after Christopher Columbus. It traces its origins to the town plan by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, the Spanish conquistador who arrived in the Philippines to establish a colony in 1565. Colon, a bit run-down now, was the site of fashionable shops, offices and movie houses. It was once the heart of Cebu City's shopping and business activity, but in recent years much of this activity has shifted inland to uptown areas.[1] In 2006, the Cebu City Council proposed a plan to close parts of Colon street from vehicular traffic and convert it to a tourism zone. [2] However, this was met with much opposition from businessmen and motorists due to concerns regarding security and parking spaces.

Biverly Hills Cebu Known Taoist Temple

Taoist Temple (Beverly Hills, Cebu City) Located at Beverly Hills, Cebu City. This temple preserves the teachings of Lao-Tse, the 600 B.C. Chinese Taoist philosopher. Everyday people climb its 81 steps (representing the 81 chapters of Taoism structures) to light joss sticks and have their fortune read or simply to do self-conte

My Home Lower Kalunasan Guadalupe Cebu City

t is the largest barangay in terms of population in the City of Cebu. It gets its name from Our Lady Of Guadalupe, a famous image of which is kept in the church of the same name. The barangay is known world wide for its export quality mangoes.
            Historical accounts attributed to Padre Gaspar de San Agustin state when in the 16th century Miguel Lopez de Legaspi and his Spanish conquistador’s landed on the beach of San Nicolas, Cebu & burned all the houses of the villagers particularly in the sitio Sawang, the natives evacuated to the hills near the present church of Guadalupe then known as Tagoan (hiding place) because of a cave there.
            It was said that five Augustinian missionaries Padre Andres Urdaneta, Martin de Rada, Diego de Herrera, Andres de Aguirre & Padre de Gamboa were accompanied by their religious mission by the prominent native of Guadalupe called KAMAHUKOM, the husband of Makiyung. They were quite successful in propagating Christianity to the natives. In fact, the first natives to be baptized were the guide himself baptized Romualdo & his wife Cleofe. Thus, the former barrio of Guadalupe derived it’s name from Romualdo (Maldo) and Cleofe (Pe).
            As converts increased in number, the missionaries gave an Image of the Blessed Virgin a replica of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe who appeared in Guadalupe, Mexico in the year 1530 to the villagers as a token of remembrance for their acceptance of the Catholic faith. But giving little significance to it, the native’s place the image inside a Kamalig. A bodega made up a bamboo & sawali, where they used to dump carabao hides. Soon the nearby residents noticed that the Kamalig brightened every night. The source of the light coming from nowhere. Later they discovered that the dogs that used the carabao hides inside the Kamalig all died of exhaustion because their teeth got stacked into the holed, permanently. The phenomenon reverend & strengthened the villager’s belief in the Catholics faith, so that they started calling their place Guadalupe, in honor of the Image of the Blessed Virgin.
the Finding of the Image in the Cave
No one knows why & when the image was placed in the Cave (Langub). However, it was said that there was a time when the Muslim pirates raided the district of San Nicolas and its environs. Due to fear, the villagers went up the hill & hid the Image in the cave to protect it from heretics. Others also said in the 19th Century, the Hispano- Filipino conflicts, atrocities & uprising forced the natives to hides the Image in the cave at Tagoan. As years passed by, the residents forgot all about the Image. The discovery of the hidden Image of the Blessed Virgin inside the cave happened accidentally.
          It started when a trapper of wild chicken was sticking his wooden peg into the cart in the cave to tie his rooster bait. Unknowingly he was sticking it on the top of a concealed guano pit so that the soft soil gave away. Inside this guano pit, he saw the religious relic. He took it out and brought it to the Parish Priest of San Nicolas for identification. He told that it was the replica of the Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe of Mexico. From that time on, the cave tagoan (now part of Brgy. Kalunasan) became the object of Pilgrimages by people throughout the Visayas & Mindanao.
            Due to the difficult conditions in the cave, the Parish Priest of San Nicolas with the help of Teniente del Barrio, TOMAS LOPEZ, had the Image transferred from the cave to a chapel near the cave on a lot owned by Lopez & under the care of a couple Takyocleta. However, the river overflowed during the rainy days, the people became apprehensive that they decided to place the Image in another chapel built on the spot where the present Parish Church is located. Five siblings  (four brothers & a sister) built a small chapel surnamed Gonzales, Margarita & Salvador, named Panganiban; Francisco named Soganiban; Miguel or Domaurpan & Ignacio also named Tatoy. But the chapel was destroyed by a strong typhoon, Huracan in October 15, 1912.
            Thus the image was transferred to San Nicolas church for safety reasons & brought to Guadalupe Church once in a year. Every December 12, we the Guadalupehanons celebrates our annual fiesta in honor of OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE in San Nicolas Parish & they used to get the Image the day after to celebrate another fiesta in Guadalupe on December 14. This tradition was followed until 1926.
            One Sunday, while the devotees were about to return the Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe to San Nicolas Parish Church, it fell from the Andas (a contraption made of two bamboo poles with a platform in between the center; this is carried by two persons at the bottom ends of the two poles). To their astonishment, the relic fell upright standing on the ground, unbroken. The devotees took this incident as a refusal of the Blessed Virgin to be taken to the church of San Nicolas, so they decided to build another chapel on very spot where the present church is.
            Guadalupe became a parish when His Excellency, the residential Bishop of Cebu, Msgr. Gabriel M. Reyes, issued a decree on April 19, 1933 to effect a separation of the Barrio of Guadalupe from the Parish of San Nicolas & for the purpose to establish it as a Parish effective May 19, 1933.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cebu Festivlas

things embody the life and spirit of Cebu than its numerous fiestas and festivals. Based on centuries of tradition and religious belief, these celebrations are now among the most closely followed events in the beautiful island province. In its most basic concept, the festival is all about remembering the past religious beliefs of the Cebuanos and their conversion to Christianity. There are actually several of these held in the various parts of the island, but the biggest one is of course in Cebu City. At the center is a massive and colorful street dance parade. The participants are all clad in colorful and traditional attire, and their movement is accompanied by the beat and rhythm of musical instruments, ranging from gongs to trumpets to drums and the clapping and cheering of the audience. At the ninth day of the Sinulog feast comes the Grand Parade; before it commences a boat procession of the Santo Nino at the early morning hours takes place, with the statue adorned with various flowers, relics and candles. The journey commences at Mandaue and ends at the Basilica. A street procession follows later in the day. This is followed by a Mass, and then the resumption of the street parade. Marawi Festival This feast is held every 7th of May, principally in Mandaue City. In essence, it is all about the foundation of the city, and the vital role it played in Cebu’s history after Magellan first set foot upon it. As with other fiestas, there are colorful street dancing, but at the same there are also dramas and plays that serve to highlight the important points in the city’s past. There are also figures from local folklore, like the giants and elves, and there are also various floats. There is also a grand fireworks show, and a contest for the finest street dancers and floats. The Fiesta of the Virgin Held every November 21, this event once again symbolizes the unique blend of religious piety and celebration that Cebu is known for. This feast, like most others, is in honor of a patron saint (Opon). Beside a procession of religious relics and images, there is alongside it a festival of food sharing and a a pageant that culminates in the unveiling of the chosen Fiesta Queen. The Sinulog Festival Topping the list of all the fiestas and celebrations in Cebu is without doubt the Sinulog Festival. Held on the third day of the first month of the year, this is a glorious feast for the Santo Nino de Cebu, the most revered religious figure in the province. Paskuhan Christmas (Paskuhan) is the most widely awaited holiday of the year for Cebuanos, and the celebrations begin in early December. From homes to malls to shops, you will see colorful lights signifying the Yuletide season. The parol and other Christmas decors will be hung over the homes, and there will be plenty of songs, gatherings and gift giving all throughout the month. The caroling, a Filipino tradition, wherein children go from house to house singing Christmas songs, is alive and well in Cebu. Kadaugan sa Mactan Every 27th of April at the Mactan Shrine in Puerto Engano, Mactan, the people reenact the Battle of Mactan, where the famed Spanish explorer Ferdinand Magellan met his end at the hands of Lapu-Lapu. The event lasts for a whole day, and there are plenty of activities held throughout. These include, for visitors, a tour of the major battlegrounds, as well as other places of interest. One can also find information on the culture of the people whom Magellan encountered. The highlight of course, is the re-staging of the epic battle. Fiesta sa Carcar Every 24th of November, the town of Carcar in Cebu holds a feast on behalf of its patron saint, Saint Catherine. While there are several aspects and activities in the festival, the most notable is what may be called the food fest. The residents would open their doors to neighbors, friends, relatives and even to the town visitors, so that may also partake of the local cuisine. Under Spanish rule for a long time, the end result are dishes that offer a delicious mix of both Spanish and Filipino delicacies.

Cebu Shopping Mall

Cebu shopping can be a great experience. The city does not lack of anything when it comes to shopping. It is a great hunting ground for antiques. It is packed with religious relics that date back to centuries. The city offers gastronomic bite delights like dried mango preserves, otap, dangit, turrons and fresh fruits. You will also find the best rattan furniture in Cebu. The city is actually the top exporter of rattan products. The craftsmanship of the Cebuanos is impeccable and has, in fact, received international recognition. Cebu shopping also offers great bargains on fine handicrafts. You will find silver jewelry, hand-woven fabrics, lampshades, abaca bags and more. Ayala Mall This mall is by many considered the best mall in Cebu, it is not as big as SM CIty Cebu, but it is a lot nicer and moce comfortable to do malling in. It hosts a lot of restaurants and even a bar in the restaurants circle. Restuanrants in Yala Mall include: Kublai Khan(Mongolian BBQ), Persian Palate(Indian/Persian food), Lemongrass(Thai food) and loads of other nice establishments. Carbon Market When doing some Cebu shopping, you should start off your expedition at Carbon Market. This is Cebu’s biggest public market. If you want to save money from shopping, you should opt to shop for food and handicrafts in local markets like this. You will find great bargains. The freshest fruits are also available here. Do not leave Cebu without having had tried their ripe mangoes. After all, they’re considered to be the best in the country. Tabian Market If you are looking for dried food products, you should go to Tabian Market. It has the best variety of dried fishes, dried mangoes, pork rinds and other products. You will find a lot of people queuing up for dried fishes like diles, tuyo and dangit. It is advisable, however, that you should do some price haggling when you shop in this market. You will be able to get great prices and bargains. Airport Stalls If you are looking for good souvenirs, you should visit the stalls near the airport. You will find local products being sold there at bargain prices. Of course, you can find most products in the Carbon Market as well, but if you don’t have the time to visit the market before you leave Cebu, you can always drop by these stalls and get some fresh or dried mangoes, dried fish, dried squid, otap and mango-tamarind candies. There are also some stores that sell t-shirts, guitars and bags. legre guitar factory Cebu shopping is certainly not complete if you are not lagging a guitar on your way home. Now, if you are looking for a well-crafted guitar, you should visit the Alegre guitar factory. This shop sells various string instruments like mandolins, ukuleles and of course, guitars. The factory does not ship out guitars, however, so if you want to buy, you have to carry your purchase home. If you want to have more options, you should visit Maribago, the center of the city’s guitar making industry. You could also try the Opon area in Mactan, Cebu. World-class quality guitars are also crafted in that area. SM City Cebu shopping is not limited to native products or handicrafts. The city boasts of numerous shopping malls. One of the biggest malls in Cebu is SM City, a 4-level building with department store, supermarket, eight movie theaters, bowling center, amusement center, trade hall, and numerous retail outlets and restaurants. This mall is often packed with a lot of local shoppers. Aside from SM City, Cebu also has Ayala Mall, one of the swankiest shopping centers in the city. This mall seemingly caters more to the tastes and preferences of foreign tourists. It is the biggest shopping mall in the city. It offers similar facilities as those of SM City, but its retail outlets carry Western products and its restaurants offer Western cuisines and delicacies. Robinson’s Place and smaller malls Aside from SM City and Ayala Mall, Cebu also has Robinson’s Place. Unfortunately, this mall has lost its popularity and its luster after the other grand malls were built. Cebu shopping, however, also offers smaller malls that you can visit if you still have time to spare. These include Country Mall, E-Mall and Mango Square. Shopping in Cebu can be a great experience. From dried mangoes, to dried squids, to Calvin Klein jeans from Ayala Mall, Cebu shopping is indeed fun. If you are planning to visit the city soon and you plan to do some shopping, you should consider learning how to haggle for prices, so you will have more fun bargaining for your purchases.

Cebu Transportation

How to get to Cebu By Air Air transportation to and from Cebu is possible locally as well as internationally. Among the national carriers, Cebu Pacific and Philippine Airlines are the most common airplanes that land in Mactan Airport. Among the international carriers, Silk Air arrives from Singapore. From Hong Kong, the frequent carriers landing in the airport are Cathay Pacific and Cebu Pacific. Qatar Airways has a direct connection to Mactan Airport from the Middle East country. From Manila, direct flights to Cebu are made at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport. How to get to Cebu By Sea The Super Ferry is one of the more comfortable means of transportation from Manila to Cebu. Cabin reservations can be arranged by those who are planning to bring along their friends or families. The Quadruple Cabin sharing has its own toilet and bath. The trip normally takes about a day. There are daily trips with the exception of Saturday. To go island hopping, bancas are the best means of transportation. he island of Cebu serves as the entry point to about two-thirds of the Philippines. Upon landing in this island, the first thing that comes to the minds of the tourists is to take a historical tour, go hiking, practice their tee shot, or take a plunge at the island’s coral reefs, considered as among the world’s best. Being a tourism hub in the country, Cebu is accessible by all possible means of transportation – air, land, and sea. Here we will take a look at the various transportation options when going in and around Cebu. How to get to Cebu By Land Taking the bus is the best option when travelling from one end of Cebu to another. This can be done by taking a ride from the north or south terminal. Jeepneys provide the mode of transportation when going for a city trip. This gives tourists the chance to meet local people. Likewise, there is the tartanilla, which are horse-drawn carts, that give tourists the chance to experience the lives of early Cebuanos. ecause of their availability around the city, taxis have been the most preferred mode of traveling in and around Cebu. Aside from accessibility, taxis are also cheap and efficient. The majority of the drivers know their way around the city. One can easily flag down another taxi in case the first driver is not familiar with the city. Most of the taxis in the island are metered. The fare starts at 30 pesos and an additional 2.50 would be charged for every half kilometer. There is likewise a 2.50 pesos additional fee for every five minutes that you make the driver wait. One must be cautious of drivers who refuse to use their meters or collect fare that exceeds the amount indicated on the meter. Whenever you encounter taxi drivers who refuse to use the meter or deliberately go to the wrong direction, the best thing to do is to embark from the taxi and flag down another cab. However, if the driver is very courteous, you could give them an additional 10 to 20 pesos for their services and for unloading your baggage from their compartment. Whenever possible, do not take private taxis. These drivers usually have the tendency of taking advantage of tourists by charging them five to ten times more than the regular rate. Taking private taxis is advisable only when you are going on a long trip and you would want to negotiate for a fixed cost. As you can see, whatever mode of transportation you choose, there is an assurance that you will be reaching your destination. Now, there is no excuse for you not to visit Magellan’s Cross and other tourist destinations that Cebu has to offer.

Cebu Hotels

Dubbed as the Queen City of the South, Cebu features some of the finest hotels and resorts in the Philippines today, which perfectly complement the booming tourism industry in the area. More than anything else, these hospitality service providers are equipped with the best and the latest amenities available to bring its valued guests total customer satisfaction. When visiting the wonderful City of Cebu, never fail to drop by at any of these excellent venues to experience utmost comfort, pleasure, and convenience. Marriott Hotel Located along Cardinal Rosales Avenue, Marriott Cebu is one of the most attractive hotels in the entire City of Cebu as it offers people nothing but the best in terms of hospitality services. In terms of hotel amenities, the place is jam-packed with world-class facilities like a game room, a health spa and massage services, as well as an ultra modern fitness facility. This nice hotel also has several function rooms, which are excellent locations for holding big evens as well as other important gatherings. Furthermore, people can also use them for all-important business-related functions such as meetings, conferences, and seminars. Overall, this Cebu City hotel offers 301 excellent rooms to choose from, all of which are equipped with the finest in-room amenities like bathtubs, stove, as well as serving dishes. The prices for the Deluxe Rooms range from $85 to $155, while the costs for Suites run from $175 to $250. Shangri-La's Mactan Island Resort Situated at Punta Engano Road in Cebu, Shangri-La’s Mactan Island Resort is another outstanding hospitality service provider, known particularly for its majestic location and facilities. Inside this ultra fine hotel, people can find special restaurants that serve delectable local and international cuisines. Additionally, it also has a business center, fitness gym, and a health club for all its guests and visitors to enjoy. For as much as 8,000 to 12,000 pesos, they can try any of the grandiose Super Garden View, Deluxe Sea View, and Executive Rooms, with key in-room facilities such as IDD telephone lines, coffee tables, and toiletries. On the other hand, this hotel has its own share of the best guestrooms in town for as much as 15,000 to 26,000 pesos including the Executive, Shangri-La, Panorama, and Presidential Suites, which have topnotch major amenities such as iPod docks, home entertainment systems, and balconies. Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino Found along Salinas Drive within the district of Lahug in Cebu City, Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino contains hypermodern facilities like a swimming pool, game room, and fitness facility. The place also features two world-class restaurants namely Treff and Mizu, which serve delectable international and local delicacies and specialties. For only $115 to $130, the standard rooms are subcategorized into Superior, Deluxe, and Twin Bed units, all of which have IDD telephones, refrigerators, and mini-bars. On the other hand, the suites are further subdivided into different types including Junior, Ambassador, Penthouse, Bridal, and Family suites, with the prices ranging from $200 to $250. Alegre Beach Resort Located along Calumboyan within Sogod in the Island of Cebu, Alegre Beach Resort offers tourists and guests a truly wonderful experience as they enjoy the beauty, grace, and elegance of the place. Inside, they can find an excellent gym facility, game room, and several conference rooms. Furthermore, the place also hosts outstanding food service providers like the Cliff Seafood BBQ and Bar as well as the Pavilion Restaurant. Deluxe Rooms cost 15,900 pesos, Deluxe Ocean View Rooms 17,400 pesos, and Deluxe Ocean View Rooms with Gardens for only 18,900 pesos. Maribago Bluewater Beach Resort Found at Buyong within Mactan Island in Lapu-Lapu City, Maribago Bluewater Beach Resort is a very famous Cebu hotel and resort known for its prime facilities and topnotch services. This majestic hospitality service provider has major features like kiddie playroom, swimming pools, and offers exciting indoor games like chess, table tennis, and billiards. It also hosts outstanding food service providers like Amuma Spa Café, Oyster Bar at the Cove, and Allegro Restaurant. In terms of rooms, this place features the finest amenities and in-room equipment available. Its highly affordable yet very elegant rooms include Deluxe Beach Wing Rooms, Amuma Spa Royal Suite, and Royal Bungalow, all available within the prince range of $160 to $400. Tubod Flowing Waters Resort Situated at Upper Pakigne within the town of Minglanilla, Tubod Flowing Waters Resort is a luxurious hotel that features numerous beautiful cottages, capacious conference halls, and huge swimming pools. Aside from these, it also hosts other added attractions like a basketball court, an in-house restaurant, as well as a butterfly sanctuary. Inside, people can choose any of the affordable, comfortable, and convenient rooms available including dormitory-type non air-conditioned rooms, standard family rooms, as well as deluxe family rooms, all within the very nice price range of $1,200 to 4,000 pesos. Cebu City Marriott Hotel This establishment is situated along the Cardinal Rosales Avenue at the City of Cebu. Being the first business hotel in the place, it has fully-equipped business facilities, a relaxing lounge, a well-maintained fitness center as well as a cozy restaurant. For the convenience of guests, the place offers complimentary valet as well as on-site parking. Some of the nearby attractions include the Casa Gorordo and the Basilica Minore del Santo Nino. This Cebu hotel has executive rooms as well as suites that feature facilities such as a private bathroom, a mini bar and a small kitchen. The rates range from Php 4,000 to Php 8,000. . Cebu Grand Hotel Another popular hospitality service provider in the province is the Cebu Grand Hotel. Accommodations at this establishment start at Php 3,000. It features relaxing guest rooms with basic amenities as well as fully equipped conference rooms. In addition, the place features three dining places, namely the Red Tomato, Café Lorenzo and the Gerardo’s Bar. The establishment is situated along North Escario Street at the Cebu City Complex. Cebu Midtown Hotel A ten-storey hotel in the province, Cebu Midtown Hotel has 210 deluxe and standard guest rooms. For the recreation of guests, the establishment features a swimming pool, sauna and massage as well as a gym. In terms of dining, this Cebu hotel plays home to the Oasis Poolside Bar and Saffron Restaurant. Other services available at this place are foreign exchange, postal services, car rental and airport-hotel transfers. Rates at this hospitality service provider begin at Php 2,000. Cebu White Sands at Maribago Beach This Cebu hotel is known for having 50 luxurious guest rooms. Accommodation rates at this establishment range from Php 5,000 to Php 8,000. Accommodations are categorized into four, namely the deluxe rooms, courtyard rooms, mabuhay rooms and the semi-suite. The place is not hard to find because it is just 15 minutes away from the Mactan-Cebu International Airport. Dining will not be a problem because it features restaurants like the Buena Vista Restaurant and the Cisco’s Steakhouse that offer satisfying meals. Cordova Reef Village Resort If your budget for accommodations is between Php 6,000 to Php 13,000, then you can have a relaxing night at any of the villas and guest rooms at Cordova Reef Village Resort. Some of the services available at this establishment are air ticket confirmation and reservation, weather forecast, night cap service, massage and aromatherapy as well as transportation services. In addition, the place has safety deposit boxes where guests can leave their valuable stuffs. Costabella Tropical Beach Hotel The establishment promotes Spanish-Filipino architecture. The hospitality service provider features cozy guest rooms, which provide basic amenities like a mini bar, a cable television and a private bathroom. Some of the relaxing and attractive tourist destinations nearby are the Gilutungan Marine Sanctuary and the Olango Wildlife Sanctuary. When it comes to services, guests have nothing to worry because the place has babysitting, massage, car rental, laundry and dry cleaning as well as golf arrangement services. To have an enjoyable and relaxing stay at the establishment, Costabella Tropical Beach Resort features an elegant restaurant that is known for serving delectable Filipino, Malay, Spanish, Chinese and Western dishes. Above all, business travelers can hold meetings at the hotel since it features fully equipped conference rooms. Read more about Costabella Tropical Beach Hotel... Royal Vista Resort Royal Vista Resort is a captivating water park facility found within the area of Maca-as in the municipality of Catmon, which is a very clean and attractive part of Cebu. It is proud to present a wide array of beautiful facilities including the Children’s Paradise Swimming Pool, the Mountaintop Lazy River Cruise as well as the Hidden Paradise Restaurant that comes with a scenic view from the rooftop. Furthermore, it boasts of world-class pools complete with waterslides. The place is also famous for its relaxing Jacuzzis, beautiful waterfalls and affordable rooms. Room accommodations range from 1,400 pesos to 1,850 pesos. Read more about Royal Vista Resort... Santa Fe Beach Club Santa Fe Beach Club is a very popular resort situated right within the municipality of Santa Fe, which is part of Bantayan Island in the northwestern part of Cebu. It has a wide range of impressive hotel facilities like a cozy restaurant, extravagant rooms and native cottages. Some of the basic room amenities include verandas, dressing tables and private comfort rooms. It also offers access to the Ogtong Cave Resort as well as its numerous facilities. Prices for air-conditioned rooms run from 1,600 pesos to 3,000 pesos. Cottages are cheaper, with overnight rates ranging only from 900 pesos to 1,200 pesos. Read more about Santa Fe Beach Club... Sarrosa International Hotel and Residential Suites Sarrosa International Hotel and Residential Suites is undeniably one of the leading hospitality service providers in the City of Cebu, which is part of Barangay Mabolo just along Ayala Access Road. It features a variety of function rooms, which make it a perfect venue for holding different kinds of special events ranging from fun-filled birthday celebrations to all-important business meetings. In terms of accommodations, the place offers daily, weekly and monthly rates. Prices can go as low as 2,100 pesos for standard rooms and as high as 6,000 pesos for Sarrosa Suites. Basic room amenities include bathrooms with tubs, mini-bars and broadband internet access. Read more about Sarrosa International Hotel and Residential Suites... St. Moritz Hotel St. Moritz Hotel is a cozy, convenient and affordable place to stay while in Cebu City. It offers 20 rooms, which are classified into Deluxe Rooms, Deluxe Twin Rooms and St. Moritz Suites. Every room is packed with amenities like free broadband internet access, safety deposit boxes and mini-bars. Prices here are very affordable, with overnight rates available for only 1,700 pesos to 2,700 pesos. For guests who want more space, they will surely enjoy staying inside the St. Moritz Suite, which is made up of a large living room and a spacious bedroom. Furthermore, it also features two dining facilities, one of which is an alfresco restaurant called L’Oasis Garden. By staying inside this premier hotel, guests are provided with instant access to different enjoyable activities including shopping, scuba diving as well as island hopping. Read more about St Moritz Hotel... Blue Water Resort Found along the area of Maribago within Mactan Island in Cebu, Blue Water Resort offers guests a wonderful getaway from the busy, fast-paced and stressful city life. It is proud to present quality room accommodations classified into three main types, namely Royal Bungalows, Deluxe Rooms and Amuma Spa Suites. Some of the common in-room features include world-class facilities like spacious balconies, elegant bathtubs and cable TV sets. Rates for Deluxe Rooms range from 7,500 pesos to 8,500 pesos, 9,400 pesos to 10,300 pesos for Amuma Spa Suites and 18,800 pesos for Royal Bungalows. Furthermore, it offers different kinds of fun-filled outdoor recreational activities including island hopping, snorkeling and jet skiing. Read more about Blue Water Resort... Cabana Beach Club Resort Cabana Beach Club Resort is a fine resort hotel facility situated right within the heart of Moalboal in Cebu. It aims to provide guests optimum service and total satisfaction. The rates for its rooms range from 2,600 pesos to 3,800 pesos only. Some of the basic resort facilities include a very nice swimming pool, Marina Cucina Italiana Restaurant and a beautiful garden. Each room features wireless internet access, a cable TV set and an air-conditioning system. Furthermore, its rooms also have intercoms, mini-bars as well as hot and cold showers. Read more about Cabana Beach Club Resort... Casa Escano Casa Escano is a bed and breakfast hotel known for its rustic atmosphere with a touch of Hawaiian tradition. It is conveniently situated right along Juana Osmena Street in Cebu City. Standard Room rates start at 1,590 pesos, while Deluxe Rooms are a bit higher at the price of 1,890 pesos. It also features a couple of Superior Rooms, an overnight stay of which costs 2,390 pesos. For bigger groups, the Family Room is perfect at the overnight rate of 2,790 pesos. In terms of services, it offers guests a wide range of services including convenient airport transfers, scuba diving trips and special tours to the different sights and sounds in Cebu. Furthermore, it also has a restaurant that offers great food and a bar that serves different kinds of special alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Read more about Casa Escano... Castle Peak Hotel Castle Peak Hotel is a first-class hospitality service provider situated within Barangay Mabolo in Cebu City. It promises guests great service, best value and convenience at highly reasonable rates. Prices for rooms start at around 1,188 pesos for Standard Rooms, while the Castle Peak Suite is available for 2,488 pesos. Furthermore, the place caters to different special occasions including parties, weddings and debuts. It features a spacious parking, an elevator and a standby generator for continuous power supply. It also has a capacious conference room, which can hold up to 160 people. It also has a fine restaurant that offers great-tasting food and refreshing beverages all throughout the day. Read more about Castle Peak Hotel... Cebu Beach Club Resort Found along the beautiful shores of Mactan Island, people are guaranteed to experience satisfying stays at Cebu Beach Club Resort. The place has 4 luxurious Junior Suites and 44 Superior Rooms available. Basic room features include bathtubs, cable TV sets and air-conditioning systems. Moreover, every room has a mini-bar, a spacious bathroom and a piped-in music feature. It also houses a number of banquet facilities where guests can hold graduation parties, debuts and weddings. The business center is highly impressive, complete with internet access, a fax machine and secretarial services. Other notable services available here are airline ticket reconfirmation, convenient airport transfers and massage services. Read more about Cebu Beach Club Resort... Tubod Flowing Waters Resort Even if this establishment is not a first class hotel, guests can have a nice time at this place since it has relaxing amenities like swimming pools, an outdoor billiard, a fishing area and a basketball court. Aside from these, the place features an in-house restaurant that offers scrumptious Filipino dishes. When it comes to services, the establishment offers babysitting, car rental and air transfer services. This hospitality service provider has simple but relaxing guestrooms that have basic amenities like a private bathroom with cold and hot shower and a cable television. Rates at the rooms range from Php 1,000 to Php 3,000. Read more about Tubod Flowing Waters Resort... Vacation Hotel Cebu The establishment is found at the corners of Don Jose Avila and J. Osmena streets in Cebu City. Vacation Hotel Cebu features 35 guestrooms that are categorized into four, namely the Superior Room, Family Room, Triple Room and the Main Upper Room. The guestrooms have basic amenities, which include a cable television set, a mini bar, a separate tub and shower as well as an air conditioning unit. Some of the facilities inside the premises of this Cebu hotel are meeting rooms, a swimming pool and a billiard hall. Dining will not be a problem for guests since the hotel features a cozy and relaxing restaurant, the Abelardo Coffee Shop. Accommodation rates at the place range from Php 1,000 to Php 2,000. Read more about Vacation Hotel Cebu... Waterfront Hotel Mactan Another luxurious hotel situated in the province of Cebu, the Waterfront Hotel Mactan is popular because it has a strategic location. The place is just half an hour away from the City of Cebu and it is only several minutes away from the beautiful beaches of Mactan. The place features attractive amenities for guests. These include the Cebu Aquarius Pool and Fitness Gym as well as the Cebu Paradise Health and Fitness. Additionally, the place features several restaurants including the Café Fortuna and Cake Culture. These dining places serve a variety of Western, European and Filipino dishes. Guestrooms at this Cebu hotel are categorized into seven, namely the Ambassador Suite, the Ambassador Twin, the Deluxe Suite, the Executive Suite, the Presidential Suite, Superior Twin and the Villa. Read more about Waterfront Hotel Mactan... West Gorordo Hotel With 44 guestrooms to offer, West Gorordo Hotel features different room amenities like comfortable beds, an IDD and NDD telephone, a private bathroom and a cable television. Rates at this Cebu hotel range from Php 1,000 to Php 3,500. Some of the services offered are room service, visa service and car rental. For the relaxation of guests, the place offers an affordable but refreshing massage service. The hotel management provides discounts to those who will make advance reservations. Located at 110 Gorordo Avenue, the hotel is not hard to find because it is very accessible from the Mactan airport. Read more about West Gorordo Hotel... Sun Xi Resort Sun Xi Resort is nicely situated within the mountains of Lepanto, which is part of the municipality of Alegria in Cebu. Because it is found in an isolated area, it serves as a perfect getaway for people who want to free themselves the high demands of fast-paced city life. Here, there are plenty of outdoor activities to choose from like motorbike cruising, stargazing and hiking. For sure, guests can find this place very relaxing with the beautiful sceneries found right within the area. Of course, they can also enjoy fishing, island hopping as well as snorkeling. One of the unique activities that this place offers is the wonderful opportunity to watch dolphins closely. Twin-Rooms only cost 2,500 pesos to 3,000 pesos for an overnight stay, while the Libo Hills Suite costs 7,500 pesos and the Governor's Suite for 12,500 pesos. Read more about Sun Xi Resort... Talima Beach Villas and Dive Resort Talima Beach Villas and Dive Resort is situated right within the island of Olango, which is primarily one of the richest wildlife sanctuaries, not only in Cebu, but also in the Philippines. The place offers high quality and very convenient rooms, each of which features an elegant contemporary Filipino-Spanish design. Economy Rooms are available for as low as 1,800 pesos. For something more elegant, it is best to try the Banig Suite and Sinamay Suite, an overnight accommodation of which only costs 2,800 pesos and 3,000 pesos respectively. For those who are after space and convenience, it is good to choose the Beach House, which costs only 6,000 pesos. The Shangri-La Resort, Mactan Without a doubt, the Shangri-La Resort in Mactan is one of the most luxurious resort hotels in Cebu. It offers world-class rooms with basic amenities such as satellite TV sets, wireless internet access and in-room telephones. Furthermore, every room has other luxurious features including plush cotton towels, waffle bathrobes as well as bathtubs. It is also known to offer extravagant benefits to Ocean Club members like access to the Chi Spa water garden, non-motorized aquatic sports and free drinks all throughout the day. Moreover, it has a fine-dining restaurant that serves enticing Italian delicacies such as the special seafood treat called the Cowrie Cove. In the evening, a wonderful nightlife is in-stored for everyone at the Chill Out Bar and at the entertainment center referred to as E-Zone. The Bellavista Hotel The Bellavista Hotel is found within Lapu-Lapu City in Mactan, Cebu. This beautiful hotel facility features different kinds of highly elegant rooms classified mainly into Deluxe Rooms, Executive Rooms, Junior Suites, the Infanta Suite as well as the Channel Suite. All of these rooms have bedside controls, piped-in music and a centralized air-conditioning system. In addition, it also features a number of food service providers, namely Hayahay Lounge, 1565 Café and Cupola Lounge. . The Blue Orchid Resort The Blue Orchid Resort is another beautiful hotel resort facility found within the municipality of Moalboal in Cebu, which is known for its wonderful services, beautiful facilities and reasonable rates. The place offers guests different kinds of exciting outdoor activities such as diving, hiking and special boat tours. It features a Honeymoon Suite, a couple of Deluxe Double Rooms with air-conditioning systems, two Deluxe Double Rooms with amazing views of the ocean. Its restaurant specializes in seafood, vegetarian and Asian specialties. In terms of services, the hotel offers babysitting, massage and hiking tours. . Microtel Inn and Suites Mactan One of the hotels in the province that features smoking and non smoking rooms, Microtel Inn and Suites Mactan has three types of guestrooms, namely the Double Standard Room, the Double Premium Room and the Suite. Rates range from Php 2,500 to Php 4,000. The amenities inside the rooms include comfortable beds, flat television, tea and coffee making facilities and a private bathroom. The place also features other facilities that can be used by guests to relax such as a beach bar and function rooms. For the comfort of visitors, this Cebu hotel features swimming pools, a restaurant and a coffee shop. To accommodate physically challenged individuals, the place features handicap accessible rooms. Above all, guests can avail of the affordable massage service offered at the place. Montebello Villa Hotel Montebello Villa Hotel is one of the finest hospitality service providers in the City of Cebu. This establishment features eight types of guestrooms, which are the Standard Room, the Deluxe Room, the Honeymoon Cottage, the Superior Deluxe, the Dona Mercedes Suite, the Executive Suite, the Montebello Suite and the Penthouse. Aside from these, the hospitality service provider offers apartelles. Dining is not a problem in the place because it features different restaurants such as the Poolside Restaurant, El Jardin and the Vamonos Restobar. . NS Royal Pensionne A simple hotel in Cebu, NS Royal Pensionne has 37 guestrooms equipped with basic facilities like a cable television, cold and hot shower as well as IDD/NDD phones. All the guestrooms at the place are Wifi ready. The establishment plays home to Dre Café, which offers delectable dishes. Companies can hold special gatherings in the place because it features fully equipped function rooms. Rates start Php970. Ogtong Cave Resort The Ogtong Cave Resort is just a few-minute walk from the Santa Fe pier. The establishment has nine types of guestrooms. These include the Deluxe Room, the Family Room, the Garden Villa and the Sea View Villa. Accommodations range from Php1,600 to Php 18,000. Some of the recreational activities that guests can enjoy in the place are kayaking, bike boating and billiard games. Pacific Cebu Resort The Pacific Cebu Resort has six types of guestrooms, namely the Standard Room, the Superior Garden View, the Superior Ocean View, the Mezzanine Villla, the Villa and the Family Room. Accommodations in this place range from Php 4,000 to $ 9,000. The establishment has a spacious dining area that offers buffet style of dining. Guests can also enjoy various aqua sports in the place including banana boat ride, jet skiing, kayaking and parasailing. Paragon Suites One of the budget hotels in the province of Cebu, Paragon Suites has five types of rooms, which are the Economy Room, the Standard Room, the Superior Room, the Family Room and the Deluxe Room. Rates of accommodations at this establishment range from Php1,500 to Php2,500. The lobby of the hotel has Wifi connection. For the convenience of guests, the place offers room service. In addition to this, visitors can also avail the pressing and laundry service. All the rooms are fully air conditioned and have cable television. Moreover, the rooms have Internet ports that guests can use if they want to communicate with other people through the Internet. Parklane International Hotel Parkland International Hotel is located along Archbishop Reyes Avenue in the City of Cebu, which provides tourists and guests the elegant atmosphere, luxurious accommodations as well as convenient services they need to achieve total satisfaction. It offers a total 230 rooms, which are classified into Penthouse Suites, Executive Suites, Boutique Rooms, Corner Rooms, Parklane Rooms and Superior Rooms. Some of the most notable features found inside these rooms include telephones, DVD players and bathtubs. Furthermore, each room comes with a wine bar, a mini-bar as well as an alarm clock. It features four food service providers, which are Muze Piano and Cigar Lounge, Basil’s Poolside Bar, Bean Date and Manuel’s Restaurant.. Plantation Bay Resort and Spa Considered as one of the top resorts in the world today, Plantation Bay Resort and Spa is a 5-star hotel facility situated within the area of Marigondon in Mactan Island, Cebu. It features the Mogambo Springs, which is more popularly known as the Spat at Plantation Bay that won the Best Spa Experience Award at the Asia Spa and Wellness Festival 2009 Gold Awards. Aside from this world-class facility, it offers guests the wonderful chance to participate in various kinds of sports and other outdoor activities like scuba diving, fishing and parasailing. Prices for its conventional rooms range from 7,000 pesos to 10,000 pesos. Meanwhile, its specialty rooms and suites are available for as much as 7,000 pesos to 33,000 pesos. . Pulchra Hotel Pulchra Hotel is situated within the municipality of San Fernando in Cebu, which is a very fine resort hotel with lots of interesting features. Overall, it has total 37 world-class rooms available, which are subdivided into different types including Seafront Jacuzzi Villas, Two-Bedroom Pool Villas and Pool Lagoon Suites. Each room is equipped with different kinds of facilities including telephones, safety deposit boxes and refrigerators. Aside from these, it is also very proud to present several food service providers like Opus, which serves Euro-Asian food. One of the main restaurants is Ripa, which serves different kinds of specialties including Filipino, Japanese and American dishes. Furthermore, it also has a gym, Undina Spa and a diving shop. In addition to these facilities, there are also loads of outdoor activities to enjoy here like aquabics, island tour and scuba diving. Rajah Park Hotel Rajah Park Hotel is a classy hospitality service provider conveniently found along Fuente Osmena in Cebu City. It is proud to present a wide variety of all-important facilities such as a reliable business center, spacious banquet facilities and a relaxing casino. Likewise, it also features a health spa, conference rooms and an elevator. Studio Rooms cost 1,500 pesos, Standard Rooms for only 2,600 pesos and Deluxe Rooms for 3,000 pesos. For more luxurious hotel accommodations, guests can always go for the Executive Rooms, each of which only costs 3,800 pesos for an overnight stay. The Suites are the most expensive at the daily rate of 5,500 pesos. Regal Business Park Hotel Found along Archbishop Reyes Avenue in Cebu City, Regal Business Park Hotel offers guests the convenience, comfort and quality service they need. It has a fully secured parking area, a fine-dining restaurant and a cozy lobby lounge. Furthermore, it also offers private function rooms, wireless internet connectivity and housekeeping services. An overnight stay inside its Economy Room costs only 1,200 pesos, the Standard Room for 1,800 pesos, the Business Room for 2,600 pesos and the Family Room for 4,000 pesos. Richmond Plaza Hotel When in search for a cozy, relaxing and convenient place to stay while in Cebu, one of the top choices to consider is Richmond Plaza Hotel. Situated along Gorordo Avenue in Cebu City, this place has some really great hotel amenities including a spacious parking, a highly accommodating information center as well as a comprehensive business center. In addition, it also offers a wide variety of services for the convenience of guests including telephone services, laundry and airport transfers. Room rates are very affordable, ranging from as low as 2,400 pesos to 2,900 pesos only. Maiass Beach Resort Maiass Beach Resort is a very nice place situated right within Bantayan Island in Cebu. It features six spacious cottages, each of which has passed the strict European standards. Inside every cottage, you can find a spacious and classy bathroom, reliable air-conditioning systems as well as luxurious cabinets. This resort boasts of ultra fine facilities including a volleyball court and a swimming pool. It also has its own restaurant plus a wide variety of indoor sports like darts and billiards. Furthermore, it has a function room, which can be used for different kinds of special gatherings like class reunions, family celebrations and business meetings. Mango Park Hotel Situated along General Maxilom Avenue in Cebu City, Mango Park Hotel guarantees its guests with highly pleasurable stays through its impressive lineup of rooms, guest services and amenities. With 48 beautiful rooms to offer, this place features wooden cabinets, antique-style furniture as well as elegant lamps. Its rooms are fully air-conditioned, all of which have safety deposit boxes, capacious bathrooms and color TV sets. Standard Rooms cost between 2,000 pesos to 2,300 pesos, Deluxe Rooms from 2,500 pesos to 2,750 pesos and Suite Rooms for 2,950 pesos to 3,200 pesos. Mangrove Oriental Resort Mangrove Oriental Resort is a paradise-like resort hotel situated within Malapascua Island in the beautiful province of Cebu. It is proud to present a lineup of interesting villas, namely the Banyan House, the honeymoon suite called Kasbah and the Safari Family House. Aside from these luxuriously styled rooms, there are also Standard Cottages as well as Beach Cottages. Prices for its rooms start at 3,200 pesos and can go up to 4,200 pesos. It presents guests with different kinds of activities to enjoy including boat trips, relaxing walks and exciting dives beneath the clear waters of the beach. The in-house restaurant is proud to present an extensive selection of seafood dishes including tanguige, blue marlin and lapu-lapu. Marco Polo Plaza Cebu Hotel Marco Polo Plaza Cebu Hotel is a luxurious hotel found along Cebu Veterans Drive within Barangay Apas in Cebu City. Overall, it has 329 luxurious and elegant rooms to offer, which are classified into Standard Rooms and Suites. Basic room amenities include in-room safes, broadband internet access and cable TV sets. Aside from these, it is also very proud to have a number of fine-dining facilities inside such as Blu Bar and Grill, Café Marco as well as El Viento. Metro Park Hotel For those who are looking for cheap accommodations, Metro Park Hotel is the right place to go to, which is located along Saint Lawrence Street within the area of Lahug in Cebu City. Economy Rooms are available for as low as 1,062 pesos, while the more elegant Presidential Suites only cost 2,437 pesos. It features spacious function rooms and banquet facilities, which serve as excellent venues for special events like parties, birthdays and weddings. Crown Regency Hotel and Towers Located on Fuente Osmena, Cebu City, Crown Regency Hotel and Towers is a great hotel option since it is in proximity to all the significant points of recreation and commerce of the city. The guestrooms are elegantly designed to fit the individual needs of every guest for comfort. They are fully air-conditioned and in addition to the usual room amenities are the necessary comforts of life like full-size posture pedic beds, full baths with a tub, and a lot more. The hotel also offers wonderful facilities like Food and Recreation Outlets, Business Center, and modern facilities for Fitness, Wellness, and Health. Crown Regency Mactan A majestic hotel option located in a relaxing landscape of 1.5 hectares within Mactan Island in Cebu City is Crown Regency Mactan. An elegant hotel that offers a homey comfort complete with all the facilities and services expected from a world-class hotel. The accommodations in Crown Regency Mactan are very luxurious and complete with all the essential functionality for a comfortable and relaxing stay. The amenities and facilities are really superior and suits perfectly for any gatherings and events that are important to you. The functional meeting rooms and modern business center are offering unparalleled convenience to any businessman. Crown Regency Residence Hotel Crown Regency Residence Hotel is boasting its accessibility since it is strategically located in Guadalupe, Cebu City. The 167 guestrooms are specifically designed to render a wonderful homey ambience for a comfortable stay. The fully air-conditioned rooms are equipped with modern amenities plus full baths and dining and living areas. All the necessities for a comfortable stay in Cebu are provided to you whether you are a leisure traveler or a seasoned businessman. The world-class facilities and services of Crown Regency Residence Hotel make the place a great hotel option for a restful night and a relaxing day. Crowne Garden Hotel Another hotel option in Cebu City is Crowne Garden Hotel located in Lahug, Cebu. The place has 133 guestrooms, two function rooms, a Grand Ballroom, and a restaurant. Located within the premises is an Internet cafe that guests can use to surf the web for a minimal fee of Php 20.00. A Wi-Fi Internet connection is also available in the hotel aside from the presence of an Internet cafe. Each room is fully air-conditioned and complete with the basic amenities for a worry-free stay. Days Hotel Days Hotel is among the hotel options that you have within Mactan Island, Cebu City. Its location is ideal for staying in Cebu for business or leisure purposes. There are 124 guestrooms available ranging from standard room type to suite and all are air-conditioned complete with the basic room amenities and services. The conference rooms are state-of-the-art where you can conveniently conduct meetings, seminars, and other business-related events. The restaurant within the hotel serves great tasting cuisine from various regions of the world that can truly satisfy your appetite. The staff of Days Hotel is friendly and willing to cater to the various needs of each guest. Diplomat Hotel Located at F. Ramos St., Cebu City, Diplomat Hotel is an economy class hotel that is capable of providing their guests the level of service comparable to standard class hotels. When you are traveling on a tight budget, Diplomat Hotel is a good hotel option for you whether staying in Cebu for just a day or two or even on extended stays. The hotel staff is trained well in providing satisfactory service to their guests. The basic room amenities and services are complete and excellent for an economy hotel. The function rooms and banquet and conference facilities are great for hosting business events and other social gatherings. Eddies Hotel Eddies Hotel is now known as Beverly Boutique Business Hotel and it is located at F. Manalo St., Cebu City. The location of the hotel is just minutes away from the commercial, business, and shopping district of the city. Another good hotel option available for a traveling person like you. The 50 guestrooms are all luxurious, comfortable, and spacious complete with all the deluxe amenities and services you desired. The restaurant of the hotel is great for fine dining where you can savor the delicious taste of various Continental and American cuisine. The function and banquet rooms are ideal for hosting meetings, seminars, and conferences. EGI Resort and Hotel EGI Resort and Hotel is one of the highly fascinating hospitality service providers in Cebu. It is a first-class tourist destination where people can be free from the worries and hassles that are associated with the busy city life. It is found within the area of Looc, which is part of Maribago in Lapu-Lapu City. In terms of rates, a Standard Suite Room only costs 4,000 pesos to 4,640 pesos. The price for an overnight stay inside a Deluxe Suite Room ranges from 4,640 pesos to 5,220 pesos. Meanwhile, a Family Suite Room can accommodate a maximum of five persons, which only costs 8,700 pesos for an overnight stay. . Tambuli Beach Club Hotel The Tambuli Beach Club is situated within a private area in Mactan Island. It has 35 Standard Rooms and 22 Superior Rooms. The basic features of Standard Rooms include hot and cold shower, a bathtub and air-conditioning system. On the other hand, Superior Rooms have mini-bars and cable television sets. Furthermore, the place is proud to present a number of banquet facilities, which serve as a perfect venue for various kinds of special events like beach parties, debuts as well as weddings. In terms of services, it offers airline ticket reconfirmation, massage and secretarial services. Golden Peak Hotel and Suites When visiting the province of Cebu, it is always nice to drop by and stay at Golden Peak Hotel and Suites, which offers utmost convenience and superior comfort to all its valued guests and visitors. The guestrooms here are subdivided into various types, namely Business Suite Rooms, Junior Suite Rooms, Deluxe Rooms and Superior Rooms. Basic room features include food heaters, IDD/NDD telephones and bathtubs. It also has a spacious banquet facility, a cozy conference hall as well as a relaxing restaurant and entertainment bar. . Haruhay Dream Resort For people who wish to stay in a more serene, peaceful and relaxing environment, why not try the beautiful and homey atmosphere inside Haruhay Dream Resort. Here, guests can easily relax and have fun at the same time. The Standard Rooms have cable TV sets, continuous water supply and private bathrooms. On the other hand, the Deluxe Rooms are more spacious, which also have cable TV sets, hot and cold showers as well as air-conditioning systems. The room rates range only from 1,500 pesos to 2,000 pesos. Hilton Cebu Resort and Spa Hilton Cebu Resort and Spa is a Mediterranean-style hotel resort facility that offers world-class accommodations and facilities. Its rooms are classified mainly into Suites, Deluxe Rooms and Executive Rooms. Inside the Suites, guests can find different kinds of fine amenities like Jacuzzis, living rooms and wireless internet access. For the comfort of guests, Deluxe Rooms are equipped with different kinds of convenient features including mini-refrigerators, DVD players and complete bathroom amenities. Hippocampus Beach Resort Situated right within the heart of Malapascua Island, Hippocampus Beach Resort is another fine Cebu hotel facility with lots of cool and relaxing things to offer. The guestrooms are classified into Deluxe Beachfront Aircon Rooms, Superior Aircon Rooms and Standard Fan Rooms. There are many fun-filled outdoor activities to enjoy at this place including island hopping, fishing as well as nature tripping. Furthermore, it also has a dive shop and restaurant that serves a wide variety of seafood treats. Holiday Plaza Hotel For people who wish to visit Cebu, Holiday Plaza Hotel offers its guests a number of advantages. These include ultra comfortable rooms, highly efficient services and strategic location. In addition, it also has a convenient basement parking, wireless internet access as well as spacious meeting facilities. Basic room amenities include vingcard keys, mini-bars and bathtubs. The prices for Holiday Suites range from 5,800 pesos to 6,200 pesos, Executive Suites from 4,300 pesos to 4,500 pesos, Business Class Rooms from 3,300 pesos to 3,500 pesos and Superior Rooms from 2,700 pesos to 2,900 pesos. Hotel Asia Found along Don Jose Avila Street in Cebu City, Hotel Asia is a premier hotel that offers first-class amenities and a very high standard of hotel accommodations. Basic in-room features include cable-ready TV sets, remote controlled air condition systems and wireless internet access. Furthermore, all the rooms also have safety deposit boxes, mini-bars as well as NDD/IDD telephones. Prices for Economy Rooms range from 2,400 pesos to 3,200 pesos, while prices for Deluxe Rooms usually start at 3,200 pesos to 4,100 pesos. The place houses three food service providers, namely Yakiniku Hakkaien Restaurant, the Roof Top Bar and Han-nya Japanese Restaurant. Hotel de Mercedes Hotel de Mercedes is one of the leading budget hotels in Cebu City, which takes pride on its superb room accommodations, impressive facilities and highly affordable rates. Some of the nice features found in all the rooms are telephone lines, hot and cold showers as well as cable TV sets. Deluxe Rooms are available for only 1,000 pesos, Superior Rooms for 1,450 pesos, Family Rooms for 2,000 pesos and Senior Suites for 2,100 pesos only. The hotel has an extensive lineup of conference facilities including a fax machine, complete audiovisual equipment and a conference room. Hotel Fortuna Found along Borromeo Street in Cebu City, Hotel Fortuna is an elegant hotel that promises guests total satisfaction, convenience and comfort. Aside from its strategic location, it is very proud to present first-class guestrooms, which are classified into Standard Rooms, Deluxe Rooms and Executive Rooms. Aside from its classy rooms, it has a Grand Hall Room commonly used for holding large gatherings such as stage presentations, business meetings and wedding receptions. Island and Sun Beach Resort One of the most fascinating hotel resorts in Cebu today, Island and Sun Beach Resort combines modern comforts with the elegance and beauty of nature. It features 25 Deluxe Suites, all of which have a clear and relaxing view of the sea. Meanwhile, its rooms have various kinds of convenient amenities including writing desks, bathtubs and refrigerators. Overnight rates start at 8,800 pesos. Here, guests can enjoy endless fun and excitement under the sun through the different outdoor recreational activities like beach volleyball, snorkeling and scuba diving. Kasai Village Beach Resort With its beautiful facilities and extensive hospitality services, Kasai Village Beach Resort is easily one of the top beach resorts in Cebu. The rooms here are divided into two main types, namely Poolside Deluxe Rooms and Sea-View Deluxe Rooms. The prices of overnight room accommodations run from 4,400 pesos to 4,900 pesos for the poolside rooms, while the prices for the sea-view rooms range from 4,900 pesos to 6,800 pesos. It has a Scuba Dive School that offers PADI Divemaster Course and other advanced courses. t... Kiwi Lodge Situated within the area of Mabolo in Cebu City, Kiwi Lodge is truly a cozy place to stay. Its Deluxe Rooms cost 1,232 pesos per night, the New Deluxe Rooms for 1,500 pesos and Superior Deluxe Rooms for 1,774 pesos. The in-house restaurant serves a wide variety of tasty treats including sandwiches, burgers and breakfast meals. The pizzas are also amazing. Las Flores A first-class resort hotel that offers an intimate escape from the busy life of the city, Las Flores is located within the municipality of Catmon in Cebu. The place owns an outstanding collection of amenities including an elegant terrace lounge, private conference rooms and cozy dining facilities. The rates are not that bad, considering the high value of comfort and convenience that it provides to guests. Seaview Rooms cost 3,850 pesos for an overnight stay, while Garden Rooms are cheaper at the price of 2,550 pesos. R